Wooden Alphabet Cube
- 來自土耳其手製的木頭教具。
- 椴木 / 胡桃木 製成
- 大寫字母磚一套為26塊。
- 小寫字母磚一套為40塊,供應商非常的貼心,如果每個字母只有1塊好多字都拼不出來,例如: Apple 、Egg,等等⋯ 所以供應商特別改良版本。
- 字母磚的母音 A、E、I、O、U 全以胡桃木製成,方便日後寶寶教導Phonics ,能有明顯的區分。
- 字母磚可以配合同系列的木製托盤,可以單獨或一起使用,是Sensory Play的好朋友:)
- 雖然孩子還不懂認字,可是Sensory play的時候擺放上去,能加深寶寶對字母的概念喔
- Size : 5CM x 5CM x 1 CM 每塊大約是寶寶掌心的大小,容易拿起而且不容易誤吞。
- Made in Turkey
- Made by Walnut and Lınden wood
- Uppercase letters total 26 pieces.
- Lowercase letter total 40 pieces.
Why 40 pieces ?
If there’s only 26 letters, many words can’t spelling out, such as: Apple、Egg, etc..so the supplier taking out some common use letters and made it 2 :)
- Vowel letters : A、E、I、O、U are made by Walnut wood, this is a obviously distinct between letters and vowels letters, it makes phonics teaching more convenience.
- Size : 5CM x 5CM x 1 CM , size is easiler for kids to grasp and also not easy to swallow.
- Each of the wooden product is unique, thus every produced piece may quite often vary in colour and natural structural and discolouration patterns, than shown on images of our online store.
- Sometimes due to certain textural knots, the result of wood finishing may show cosmetic flaws, which do not at all downgrade functionality of the educational toy. Oh